I was taught at a young age to listen intently during church services, but never accept the message as gospel. I was expected to do sufficient research to confirm the sermon was based on biblical principles. I did not understand the importance of this lesson until I realized, as a young man that, whether intentional or not, some deceive the masses with false teachings. It is your responsibility to verify what you are taught agrees with God’s Word. You will be held accountable for your actions on Judgment Day, not the preacher, priest, or wise man who misled you. The book of Revelation presented me with a new challenge I did not know how to overcome. How do I verify a prophecy that has yet to occur? I decided to (1) research and understand as many end-time prophesy theories as possible, (2) track and document news stories to corroborate what was published in Revelation One Verse At A Time, and (3) pray for guidance and truth. This was a difficult task in years past, but end time events have begun unfolding rapidly since publishing the book in 2019. The attached articles are by no means all-inclusive nor do I intentionally ignore stories that do not support my theory or timeline. My goal is to only find the truth. I find it very interesting the articles indicate the world is marching toward perilous times. I strongly encourage everyone to follow world events closely to determine if they line up with your understanding for how the latter days will unfold. Click on the links below to read through the articles.